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Golf 'n Grille Fact Sheet

Initial Event Date: 8/93
Venue: Mens Golf, Ladies & Juniors Competition and Family Picnic
(Families Mandatory)
Location: Various Greater Atlanta Courses

2000 1st Place Trophy
Piece shown is made by hand from Durastone  and finished in multibronze patina.


GOLF - $80
paid to course and includes range balls

PRIZES - $20
paid to Pete


Year 2000 event was  held on October 7 at Windermere Golf Club in Cumming, GA.  Course is located 2 miles east of GA 400 on GA 20 (exit 14).  Remember, don't forget to visit the "19th Hole"
Ellen pulls it off again!

With a deftness that  most of us could only hope for, Ellen once again commandeered a sumptuous feast for all!
Thanks Ellen!

Click on me to email me!!
Ellen Van Frayen
Cookout Champ!!



Golf 'n Grille
Trivia Corner

Did you know that the Golf 'n Grille has only had one golf related injury?  A Houston businessman participating in the 2000 GnG was struck by an errant golf ball that lodged between his cheekbone and nose.  Only temporary paralysis resulted from the mishap.  Click Here to see the rare footage.  A misdemeanor charge of "impersonating a golfer" was dropped against Chad Burbrink who struck the errant shot, when Rob Lindroos failed to press charges.


Feast on These!!
If your divot continuously travels farther than your ball, consider
reading as a pastime.

 Golf can best be defined as an endless series of tragedies obscured by the occasional miracle.

 The best wood in most amateurs' bags is the pencil (Chi Chi Rodriguez)

 If you think it's hard to meet new people, try picking up the wrong golf ball. (Jack Lemmon)

 To some golfers, the greatest handicap is the ability to add correctly.

 Some golfers believe 'overclubbing' can be corrected by 'overlooking' or  'undercounting.' When using a caddie it can also be corrected by 'overtipping.'

 Tee your ball high...air offers less resistance than dirt. (Jack  Nicklaus)

 It's not whether you win or's whether I win or lose.

 If you find you do not mind playing golf in the rain, the snow, even during a hurricane, here's a valuable tip: your life is in trouble.

 The term 'mulligan' is really a contraction of the phrase 'maul it again.'

 Why is it that when you tell yourself, 'don't hit it in the water' your body only seems to hear the word 'water'?

 A 'gimme' can best be defined as an agreement between two golfers. .neither of whom can putt very well.

 An interesting thing about golf is that no matter how badly you play, it is always possible to get worse.

 The members who command the best service at your golf club either have  the lowest handicaps or the highest bar bills.

 Golf is an awkward set of bodily contortions designed to produce a  graceful result. (Tommy Armour)

 Many Wall Street brokers believe that a stroke does not really occur  unless it was observed by more than one person.

 If you find your self pleased that you locate more balls in the rough than you actually have lost, your focus is totally wrong and your personality  might not be right for is also just a matter oftime before the IRS investigates your business.

 Why is it twice as difficult to hit a ball over water than sand?

 You know your golf game is improving when you start missing shots much closer than you used to.

 The trees taunt you; the sand mocks you; the water calls your name...and  they say golf is a quiet game.

The real reason your pro tells you to keep your head down is so you can't see him laughing at you. (Phyllis Diller)

 Golf's a hard game to figure. One day you'll go out and slice it and shank it, hit into all the traps and miss every green. The next day you go out and, for no reason at all, you really stink. (Bob Hope)

 Only a stupid golfer throws his club behind him. The smart golfer throws his club ahead so he can pick it up on the way to the next hole. (Corollary: clubs don't float.)

 The reason it's call golf is that all the other four-letter words were already taken. (Dr. Vincent Manjoney)

 If you have lost more than four balls on any given hole, for safety reasons, let your partner drive the cart.

 If profanity had an influence on the flight of the ball, the game would be played far better than it is. (Horace Hutchinson)

 Golf's three ugliest words: still your shot. (Dave Marr)

 He who has the fastest golf cart never has a bad lie. (Mickey Mantle)

 Golf is like marriage: if you take yourself too seriously it won't work...and both are expensive.


Mike's Probing Poll
Who will capture the the 1st G'nG Women's  Title
  Xanath Lang 75% 116
  Linda Terry 19% 32
  Mary Ramby 5% 7
  Ellen 21% 39
Total Votes 194


This years format will be BEST BALL for the front nine and ALTERNATING SHOT for the back nine.  Alternating shot format will have a slight "twist" in that both players in twosome will drive the ball on each back nine hole.  Strategy will come into play by virtue of the team determining whose shot to use to start the alternating shot format.  

One hole will be subtracted from total score via a blind hole draw at Grille festivities to determine final score.  This means you don't know who wins until 9:00 Saturday night!!

The Rambys & Saltons Make It A Clean Sweep in 
2000 Golf 'n Grille

Smiling Champions Accepting Trophies

Cumming, GA -- Who'd a thunk it??!!  The Darrell Salton family and Lee Ramby family walked off with the Men's, Women's  and Junior's Championships at the 8th Annual Van Frayen & Sons Entertainment Golf 'n Grille Tournament.  Along with Darrell and Lee in the Men's Team event, Mary Ramby and Jay Salton snagged the  inaugural Women and Juniors putt-off championships in a blustery evening showdown.  

Salton and Ramby fired a sizzling team 80 on a tough Windermere Golf Club.  "I've been close before but 2nd is the same as 102nd",  piped Salton in the post tourney interview tent. "I had to shed that misnomer of TBPTHNWAGnG" added Salton as he waltzed off into the evening holding a small, caped action hero doll.  Ramby was all smiles during the evening but declined any comments...a first for this likable VF&SE'er.  Forever emblazoned on the  VF&SE Past Champions Plaque will be the names of Darrell Salton and Lee Ramby

Mary Ramby vaulted into the finals after a shoot-off with Virginia Lenahan by banging a rock-solid 250 pointer to sink the stylish Lenahan.    First round leader Linda Terry couldn't match the fluid stroke of Ramby in a frigid but exciting final.  
   "It's all for you Mary!"

Jay Salton edged out tournament hostess Brittany Van Frayen in the Juniors action.  "Low and slow, low and slow" could be heard over and over again as the diminutive Salton stroked his winning putts.  Young Salton bested a strong field of 14 Juniors in taking the top prize.

Other winners included Tom Dutton and Rob Lindroos, who  captured 2nd place honors and Jim Lindenmayer and Tom Lenahan who placed 3rd.  Pete Van Frayen boomed a drive estimated at 315 yards to easily out distance everyone in the long drive contest.   Closest to the pin winners included Bob McGowan and Jim Lindenmayer.    


                                          Year 2000 Foursomes



How'd ya do 2 years ago, 5 years ago?  Pretty poor wasn't it (whoops, I was looking at Pete and my score).  We've got all the past scores!   


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